Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Dealing With Acid Reflux? These Tips Can Help!

Dealing With Acid Reflux? These Tips Can Help!
There's no argument about the fact that acid reflux is no fun at all. With the right information, anyone can learn to make the condition more tolerable. Continue reading for more details.

Be sure to eat supper three hours before going to bed. When you're upright, gravity causes both your stomach acid and food to be pulled downward into your stomach. Lying down makes it easier for that stomach acid to move upward. You need those few hours before deciding to hit the sack.

Many pregnant women experience acid reflux. The baby grows and pushes on the stomach. You can control symptoms greatly by consuming only foods that are low in acid and low in fat. Also, you can try soothing teas.

While eating, remain in an upright position, and remain this way for three hours afterwards. This allows gravity to assist in keeping the acid in your stomach where it belongs. You can find relief by remaining in a standing or seated position.

In some instances, acid reflux attacks can feel like a heart attack. Don't ever ignore chest pains. Chest pains are often a sign up a big problem in the body, like a cardiac arrest. Contact your doctor to learn what you should do. Do not take any risks if you believe your health might be at risk.

Smokers should consider quitting in order to get rid of acid reflux. Nicotine can cause acid reflux to worsen. Quitting cold turkey can cause stress and worsen your symptoms. Gradually quit smoking instead.

When you have acid reflux, you can benefit greatly from raising the top of your bed up. Risers, blocks, and bricks are all effective for this purpose. The head of your bed should be six inches above the foot. This will prevent stomach acid from rising during the night.

If you have acid reflux, you know how debilitating and disruptive it can be. Through learning and understanding, you don't have to suffer from acid reflux. Use the information presented here to benefit yourself or a loved one who needs help.

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